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Often the things that teach us and grow us are best told in stories.  One of the most famous men in history used them often and quite effectively.  In Mark 4:33-34 the Message reads, “With many stories like these, Jesus presented his message to them, fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a story when he spoke.”  Not only did he use stories to teach but he also used them to help us remember people and the important things they did.  Later in the same book of Mark, we are given the story of a woman who uses her very costly perfume to anoint Jesus.  Jesus says to those who ridiculed her, “She has done a beautiful thing.  You can be sure that wherever the good news is told all over the world, people will remember what she has done.  And they will tell others.”  Mark 14:6,9 CEV   Uncommon Stories is my attempt to do a little of both of these things. It’s my way of sharing valuable life lessons I’ve learned through the stories in which they took place. It is also my way of honoring some of the beautiful things that people I know have done and recording them so that they will be remembered. These uncommon stories have shaped, colored and transformed my life.  I am and will always be grateful.  As an outpouring of that, I share them with you.  May they color, transform and change your life as well.

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